Top 25 Beautiful Puzzle Games For iOS & Android
James Vanstee
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Give your brain a workout with the best mobile puzzle games. To deal with the sickly sweet elephant in the room: no, Candy Crush Saga isn’t included. Not for …We chose these games based on their beautiful, innovative art direction and how enjoyable they are to play on a mobile device. Some are new and some are a …
The platformer game is one that every gamer has played and enjoyed. I don’t care if it’s a Mario or Sonic game, if you’ve played a game on a home console, …
With mobile game development really taking off in the last 5 years, game developers have become increasingly imaginative with their art direction and their …
Give your brain a workout with the best mobile puzzle games. To deal with the sickly sweet elephant in the room: no, Candy Crush Saga isn’t included. Not for …
I have to confess, I love minimal games. I enjoy the cleverness needed to create something engaging, yet so simple. While I like elaborate games like Civilization …