Top 10 Mind Bending Modern Puzzle Games -

Top 10 Mind Bending Modern Puzzle Games
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Top 10 Mind Bending Modern Puzzle Games Subscribe: // TIMESTAMPS BELOW ———————– CHECK OUT WATCHMOJO’S NEW BOOK, LINKS BELOW!

Which are the best games to make you think outside the box, the games that force you to use your brain, make you feel smarter, the one’s that basically eff your head up real good? Which games take the puzzle genre to new, sometimes dizzying heights? Well, you’re about to find out, because is here to count down our picks for the Top 10 Mind Bending Modern Puzzle Games!

00:44 #10: The Witness
01:35 #9: Antichamber
02:19 #8: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
03:08 #7: The Talos Principle
03:59 #6: Braid
04:49 #5: Obduction
05:50 #4: Monument Valley
06:33 #3, #2 & #1: ????

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  1. Loved portal series for sure anyone try pneuma breath of life ?? Loved that game on Xbox

  2. Talos Principle made me rethink my life. Way too deep
    "most famous English detective" Sherlock? Hello?
    you have to admit portal is just one of the best games ever

    where is machinarium and limbo?

  4. Portal games are my favorite of all time!
    "most famous English detective" Sherlock? Hello?

  5. I added Q.U.B.E., Limbo and Fragments of Euclid (I didn't play it yet)

    what about Fez ?
    where is machinarium and limbo?

  7. LIMBO or the swapper? Anyone?
    Portal 2 was freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!!
    what about Fez ?

  8. I completed Braid without any walkthrough guide. 😌
    *Pats myself on the back

  9. Everyone knows that the puzzle isn't Portal's biggest charm

  10. Portal 2 is not the greatest modern puzzle game, it is the greatest game of all time, period

  11. What game would you guys recommend that I can still pay while drinking 🥃🥃

  12. Portal 2 community test chambers – another level of portal puzzles, there are literally thousands of them, some of them seemingly impossible. It will take something special to dethrone this game.

  13. Someone help me. I am looking for game I played as an kid, I would try to describe it: some character is in like, maze, it could be penguin or other bird or whatever, its in that maze moving sand to get to to pipe which leads to next level. I remember also some red balls. Please help?

  14. Best puzzle games in my opinion – really worth playing – Portal2, Talos Principle and Quern Undying Thoughts

  15. CAtherine should've actually been on here…The Witness should've been higher IMO

  16. Talos Principle sould be right behind Portal 2

  17. I replay portal every couple years when i forget abbout everything

  18. I thought Quantum Conundrum would have an honorable mention

  19. Maybe it wasn't released
    when this video was made.

    Try Gorogoa !!!

  20. half of the comments are portal 2 comments (btw 2020 sucks)

  21. Its excruciating to think about how they decided "world of goo" is some how third place and the talos principle number 7. The talos principle was a masterpiece. Possibly one of the greatest games in existence

  22. Only 1 professor Layton game in the list.

    It’s ranked 8th

    Disappointed and feel let down

  23. Darkarta is interesting story based puzzle game ,try this game its make different experience in the puzzzle

  24. Stretching it a bit to call World of Goo "mind bending" but I agree 100% with Portal (1 and 2) being at Number 1. Others to consider…
    Psychonauts – has some amazing sequences and is getting old but perhaps more an action-adventure.
    Max: The Curse of Brotherhood – more of a platform puzzler but inventive and mildly mind-blowing when I first played it.
    Papo & Yo – Underrated 3D platformer with lots of jumping puzzles but very clever rather than challenging.

  25. Recommend me a PC or PS4 game to play says:

    2048 – mInD bEnDIng mODerN pUzZlE

  26. Made me happy to see professor Layton on the list. I tend to forget about the series though I bc It’s one of the earlier “difficult” puzzle games I remember playing. The nostalgia is real 👌🏼

  27. I would like to understand the criteria these games were rated by. By my criteria, Talos should've won easily. Portal a close second.

  28. Anti chamber would be an awesome VR game on PS4.

  29. i actually liked agatha the abc murders

  30. Talos principle is a damn masterpiece and i personally prefer it over portal 2

  31. Portal 2, talos principle, and the turing test r the best logical puzzle games

  32. Number 4 Monument Valley..? I love this game, but their concept was preceded by Echocrome and it's secuel from PSP

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