PrepTest 90 Game 3: In Out Game Re-Using Elements // Logic Games [#30] [LSAT Analytical Reasoning] -

PrepTest 90 Game 3: In Out Game Re-Using Elements // Logic Games [#30] [LSAT Analytical Reasoning]

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This has been an interesting section of games (LSAT PrepTest 90). Each game so far has had a mostly basic setup, but with a wrinkle of some kind thrown in. For today’s game, the third game from PrepTest 90, it’s a basic in and out set-up with the twist that one of the elements (but only one!) gets used twice: once on the in-side (in this case “Fall”) and one on the our-side (“Spring”).

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This twist affects both of the conditional clues, and requires that we symbolize them a little differently than we would in a typical in-and-out setup.

I continue to work through all four-hundred-ish official LSAC releases. As always, if there’s a particular game you’d like to see, comment down below, and I’ll move it up in the order.

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