LSAT Logic Game Lesson - Diagramming a Basic Ordering Game -

LSAT Logic Game Lesson – Diagramming a Basic Ordering Game

Alpha Score LSAT
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A quick lesson in setting up your diagrams for a basic LSAT ordering game. Get more videos and lessons at .
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  1. If I get a perfect LSAT score, will you do one of these videos shirtless?

  2. @un77star Thanks. Glad you're enjoying the lessons. If you're interested there's many more at our website

  3. can you put 0 in the first spot… because 0 x 2 = 1?

  4. @PhilippoChannel Actually 0 x 2 = 0 so that won't work.

  5. Actually there is no "answer" per se, for this part of the game. This video only shows you how to set up the game diagram. There is no question asked here. This is the first step for any logic game, the next step is to move on to the actual questions and then you can find answers. For the full text of the game and the questions as well as lots more videos with full explanations and answers for all the questions check out our website and take the free trial LSAT course.

  6. No this doesn't work as the value of the 3rd digit must be less than the value of the 5th digit. You have 4 as the 3rd and 3 as the 5th – and that breaks our rules.
    Check out Alpha Score's website there's a tonne more videos explaining this LSAT game in the exams section of the Free Trial LSAT course. And feel free to email us if you need any help!

  7. 6 answers:


  8. That's correct – but I would advise against spending time trying to narrow down every possible option like this. It's not too bad in an easy game like this but in most games you'll just waste lots of precious time and end up missing a few options anyway. Better to stick with the rules and apply them to each question as you go.

  9. much easier to do two diagrams, one with 1 2 and another with 2 4 in first and second digit then the 2x between them.

  10. That is another way to do it. And in this simple game it works well, however, with that technique in other more complex games I generally find students run into a lot of problems. I teach techniques that build up to the skills that will allow you to tackle even the most complex games so I generally avoid quick fixes that work on the easy games but cause problems later on. That being said your approach is fine for this game.

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