LSAT Demon | Perfecting Logic Games and Parallel Reasoning -

LSAT Demon | Perfecting Logic Games and Parallel Reasoning

LSAT Demon
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Don’t pay for law school with the LSAT Demon:


  1. Honestly your whole program is amazing… you really telling us to stop being fearful of failing. The whole program has challenged and pushed me forward for the past months.

  2. Getting a -1 in a game is not okay? Not great advice there…

  3. Hey, I was recently reading the LSAT trainer and it mentioned that reading the STEM first allows you to know whether you are reading for reasoning vs information, therefore, answering questions more efficiently. Did you advise the student to read the stimulus before the STEM ? I would like to hear more about this please. Or do you have a video discussing this? Googled it and so many people have so many different theories. You guys are genius, so I would love to hear you perspective.

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