LSAT Analytical Reasoning: Dealing with Timing Pressure in LSAT Logic Games
LSAT Prep by Kyle Pasewark, founder of Advise-In Solutions. Go to
Kyle Pasewark, a Yale Law J.D. and perfect 180 scorer on the LSAT, founded Advise-In Solutions to help law school applicants and students secure their highest LSAT score, and their best law school admissions, law school financial aid and legal employment results. All Advise-In programs—from LSAT preparation to law school admission and law school application advising, law school “boot camp”, employment advising and law firm associate orientation—are custom-designed for each client. All Advise-In clients work directly with Kyle, who has been advising and teaching pre-law students for over a decade. So that each LSAT client receives all the personal attention needed to obtain their best LSAT score, Kyle accepts a limited number of LSAT clients in each exam cycle.
Find out more about Advise-In’s one-on-one LSAT prep program for your best LSAT score at , or contact Advise-In Solutions at 212-249-2718 or by e-mail at [email protected]