KIDS Can Solve Logic Puzzles! (Total beginners) -

KIDS Can Solve Logic Puzzles! (Total beginners)

Reckon Math
Views: 3403
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Logic grid puzzle method that kids can understand! Students SEE the Post-It manipulatives, HEAR clear narration, and TRANSFER their new knowledge to another format.
0:00 Our goal
0:20 The clues
0:31 The grid
0:43 Post-It notes mean MAYBE
1:01 We write X for NO
2:11 We use our answers to find more answers
2:23 We write O for YES
3:38 We can see the solution in the grid
4:02 We can do this puzzle without Post-Its

– Links –

Want to create logic grid puzzles for your own students or another audience? It’s not hard at all. Learn how here:
And here’s some fun ways to create a variety of engaging clues:

Download logic grid puzzles and their solutions for free: