June 2007 LSAT PrepTest Logic Game 2 films Greed Harvest Limelight festival - 7Sage - evolve-gaming.com

June 2007 LSAT PrepTest Logic Game 2 films Greed Harvest Limelight festival – 7Sage

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LSAT PrepTest June 2007 Logic Game 2
June 2007 LSAT

Exactly three films—Greed, Harvest, and Limelight—are shown during a film club’s festival held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.


7Sage LSAT is founded by J.Y. Ping and Alan Cheuk, LSAT experts and Harvard Law School J.D.’s.


  1. If I may add, it would be helpful if each question was written out during each step. Another thing to keep in mind is the verbal clarity, 1204-1207 time sequence was tough to hear and closed captioning didn't register it clearly as well.

  2. I don't understand number 8. Why can you not put L, G, and H in Thursday and then have seven showings? It doesn't say limelight has to be shown more than once. I you put all three in Thursday, I don't see any rules violated. What am I missing? I bomb the LG section.

  3. Question 8: I counted the three Ls. You counted the H's and the L's for the total of 6, why did you count the H's when it only asked you about the L's?

  4. Did you count the first "G", right after "L" cause I counted everything after "G" and got five ?

  5. If you do this as an in/out game you can get it done in 4-5 minutes

  6. I just watched it again and I don't understand. at 9:11 you say, "then of course H appears here" (second box, Friday. ) Why? It doesn't say you have to have at least two movies a day and it doesn't say Harvest must appear on Friday. Why couldn't you just have G by itself on Friday?

  7. It seems that everyone has a problem with the question: If Limelight is never shown again during the Festival Once Greed is shown, then which one of the following is the maximum number of film showings that could occur during the Festival?

  8. If Limelight is never shown again during the Festival Once Greed is shown, then which one of the following is the maximum number of film showings that could occur during the Festival? May you please elaborate on this question please.

  9. Anyone know why in this game it’s g/l and not g<—>~L?

    In another game (I think it was PT 26 game 4) you showed the same rule as I stated above and not how you stated it in the video so….are they both or is one right and one “wrong” or is a mutually exclusive rule inherently Bi Conditional?

    Please someone answer this cause I’m gonna cry 😢

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