CLG vs GGS Highlights | LCS Summer 2020 W2D1 | Counter Logic Gaming vs Golden Guardians
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CLG vs GGS Highlights | LCS Summer Split 2020 Week 2 Day 1 | Counter Logic Gaming vs Golden Guardians
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7:05 "No goofy fiestas." then Volibear and Sett start having a fiesta in mid.
First whatever
3rd GGWP
Reyis sal şu nidaleeyi
La neden nidalee la q attın içeri atladın sonra çıkışın da yok o kadar fıstık gibi jungle heroları varken nidaleede ısrar etmek garip, çok zekiler yazmadan önce bir daha izlesin maçı nidalee yerine sejuani gibi bir tank olsa veya jarvan gibi bir hero olsa veya ekko gibi ultisiyle kaçabilen bir hero olsa closer o kadar pasif kalır mıydı?
“These CLG meatballs cannot! be! squashed!”
Closer'a nidale aldırmayın zorla lan artık 😡😡
Zoe ez nidale durtme komp ama devamı yok frontlane nau trundle voli dusmeyince tek ccde bayiliyolar nidale yerine bi j4 ekko super olurdu arkadan apelios tariyo ggyede kog vayne tris jinx tarzi carrylerden biri alinmaliydi bence
FBI…Open Up
FBI gets dragged in literally every game lol… he deserves to be in a better team
jg diff
Bizim oglanin acil nidaleyi birakmasi lazim, daha efektif jungle herolari oynamali, team comp difference
zoe in 2020 lmao
Flowers is the consummate pro
close is so mediocre just put that boy on a safe jng instead of nid
"saving private pop"
jg_sup diff tbg
Huhi bronz montage çekiyor
Both teams need to hit their skill shots. These teams are so lame
I can't understand why people leave aphelios open
Sett moving while casting w? 😮
Na will have a really,really bad time at international events this year..
CaptainFlowers having to ColourCast while Kobbe is dced. It's funny to see how comfortable he is with PlayByPlay when he switched instantly. It shows how different those 2 jobs really are.
Closer skill shot so bad and playing cowardly
Huhi artık bir işe yara kardeşimm
Gg mid game heroları alıyor bir kaç maçtır jungle eko graves olsa bile iyi olurdu bu maçta comp diff oluyor 2 maçtır
Give major love to captainflowers guy is so good when it’s just him he’s able to keep the broadcast going well.
Such a huge difference between EU and NA
NA should renew their casters imo, flower's play by play is the only thing still getting better
it's been more than a split and i still feel that GGS has a better ring than just GG. anyone else w me on this?
Closer is lesh only nidale onuda oynayamaz farklı bişi oynada izleyelim rfqm hadi başarılar elin buz gibi götün tuz gibi
nidale kadar pro arenada useless kalan hero var mı ya allah aşkına nidale niye seçtiriyolar closera soloq'da bile o kadar efektif değil hero bi tek aramda iyi.
Why are teams trying so hard to make nidalee happen? Can't they see it's just not working?
closer bi sike yaramıyo