Best LOGIC GAMES for Kids (and adults too) - SmartGamesUSA & SmartMaxUSA -

Best LOGIC GAMES for Kids (and adults too) – SmartGamesUSA & SmartMaxUSA

The Purple Alphabet
Views: 3371
Like: 130
Best Logic Games for Kids! I simply adore SmartGamesUSA and SmartMaxUSA. They sent me some logic games to review and I couldn’t help but share these fun products. These are great for kids starting at the toddler age ALL THE WAY up to adult. Simply the best quality too. We have magnets, apples and pirates. And each one works in its own unique way. I really think you are going to like these logic games.

WHERE TO BUY (Affiliate links)
SmartMax My First Acrobats:
SmartGames Apple Twists:
SmartGames Pirates Crossfire:

Must be 18 yrs of age or older and have a valid US Postal Address. Ends on May 27, 2021 at 9pm PST.

#logicgames #gamesforkids #smartgamesUSA

For media inquires or if you would like me to review your product/service email: thepurplealphabet at gmail dot com

Send me a note!
Christina @ The Purple Alphabet
PO BOX 2846
San Marcos, CA 92069

Disclaimer: The products featured in this video were purchased by myself or sent to me for review for free. Some videos may be sponsored by brands that I enjoy.

Make sure to * ALWAYS* use discretion when deciding age appropriate activities and supervise your children.

MUSIC: courtesy of Soundstripe. Get your YouTube Music here: (affiliate)